Thank you for visiting! This is the photoblog site for Gentlelens Photography®, by Patricia Ternahan.
Content for this photoblog is organized by subject, each topic has a separate page. The Daily Pic(K) page has a new image daily (or almost) so you may wish to use it as your bookmark. The Bird(b)log is also updated frequently and soon will have images as well. Other pages are updated less regularly -whenever the muse dictates- and may include thoughts about art or birds or dogs or family or politics or who knows what else…..perhaps even a surprise or two like the Tourist Inspector here-
The easiest way to navigate is to use the links under pages on the right hand side (the blog roll) to get to the page and posts you would like to see. Pages with frequent posts are archived by quarters of the year (more or less). For example, 2009 Daily Pick posts from January through April will be found in Daily Pic(k) Archives 2009. Less frequently updated pages will be archived by year.
If you would like to enlarge an image, Just click on it and it will (hopefully) open in a new window in a larger format.
Dialog inspires creativity, so please visit often and share your thoughts and friendly criticism about the posts as well as your artistic responses and/or relevant web links. To make a comment, click on this hyperlink contact form. You will be prompted to register and then you can start the conversation. Comments will be posted on the comments page.
For information on privacy and security see below.
( I do reserve the right to delete comments for any reason, so please, let’s behave in a civilized manner.)
For personal messages or to inquire about purchasing or publishing images, please use the contact form.
Unless otherwise indicated ALL text and images on this site are original and the copyright is held by Patricia Ternahan. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED for both text and images. This means that if you wish to use ANY material for this site you must have permission in writing, a credit must be given and a fee may apply -or maybe not. (Links, of course, are excepted)
Please complete the contact form and we can work out the details.
Karma, karma, karma….
“Your privacy and mine have equal importance. In light of this fact, I will respect yours as if it were my own. I do collect certain information when you visit — your internet protocol or “IP” address, for instance, and your other contact information, as well, if you decide to contact me — but all of it, every character of text, every number, every byte of data, it all stays with me. I do not, and will not, and morally cannot, sell, lease, rent,gift, or in any way share your personal information. Period. ”
-statement courtesy Mike Cherims, author (with Mike Jolley) of the contact form plug-in. For more information on contact form security see: